Everyone ages, and for LGBTQ+ people, aging comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs. This blog post explores the nuances of aging within the LGBTQ+ community. It draws from research insights presented in the Institute’s 2023 report, Aging in the LGBTQ+ Community – a Vibrant, Empowered, and Thriving Population [https://equitashealth.com/pdfs/AgingReport2023.pdf].

Building Strength & Resilience
As LGBTQ+ people age, they bring with them strength and a commitment to embrace their authentic selves. Many have endured hardships from the era of the AIDs epidemic to the fight for marriage equality. Despite these challenges, LGBTQ+ elders have shown great resilience. They forged bonds of support and activism that paved the way for the LGBTQ+ community to grow and thrive (https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnw170).
Healthcare Disparities
It is vital to address the healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ seniors, given the disparities they have faced. Many had little or no access to culturally competent care. Others endured discrimination from healthcare professionals. LGBTQ+ elders need safe and affirming spaces to get the care they need without fear of judgment or discrimination (https://doi.org/10.1177/00914150231171838).
Aging with HIV
Aging with HIV adds another layer of stigma for many in the LGBTQ+ community. Over the years, elders have lost friends and loved ones to the virus while fighting discrimination and neglect. Fortunately, people now live longer and manage their HIV with anti-retroviral therapy (https://doi.org/10.2147/CIA.S14726).
Social and Policy Issues
Many LGBTQ+ elders have lived through a time when their humanity and safety were threatened. Thus, legal protections are vital for LGBTQ+ people as they age. We need to support policies that protect the rights of LGBTQ+ seniors. This includes the right to housing, healthcare, and financial security. Society’s support for these policies creates an environment where aging LGBTQ+ people are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity (First Executive Order ever to mandate federal policy action for LGBTQ+ older adults – SAGE (sageusa.org).
Community and Social Support
Building a support system becomes important as people age. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ elders. Whether it is through community centers, support groups, or online platforms, the connections LGBTQ+ elders make can impact their health and well-being (https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnac021).
Aging in the LGBTQ+ community is a journey that deserves our attention, care, and support. We can welcome and include LGBTQ+ elders by recognizing their diversity and the healthcare disparity they face and advocating for legal protections. As they navigate the golden years, we can work together to make sure that every member of the LGBTQ+ community feels appreciated, respected, and honored for their unique contributions to society.
To read the entire aging report, follow the link the link below